Monday, February 19, 2007

Fun Photo

I'm guessing you don't want to hear about my "fun-filled" day trying to sort out health insurance paperwork, and more "fun-filled" still-trying-to-get-my-payroll-set-up joy, joy, joys, and does anyone know of a decent place to get an HSA, and ... oh the list goes on. (I mean, really, who would NOT want to hear about these things???!!!)

So, instead, I'll share a picture of my funny SnugBug. Please ignore his mis-matched jammies and the fact that he is laying on our clean clothes (HEY - there are still clean no matter how long they have been there).

Is he not a CUTIE?? I couldn't find him - I wasn't expecting him to be up there!

1 comment:

Momma Roar said...

He is a super-cutie! I didn't even notice the mis-matched pjs, I was too busy thinking how comfortable he looked and if I could find a similar place to lounge!