Tuesday, February 6, 2007

My little cooks

My kids helped me cook dinner tonight! Now, I have had them in the kitchen before, but tonight was such fun and they were actually helpful. Punkin did a fabulous job peeling potatoes, and SnugBug helped shake our Shake-n-Bake pork chops. We had a grand time. I took a picture, so hopefully I can get that posted soon.

We stargazed again tonight. May I highly recommend it? I've had two wonderful bonding times with Punkin out looking at the stars. They studied stars in her enrichment program last semester, and I was blown away by how much she remembered. She told me all about the different color stars and which one were the hottest. And, from the Punkin creative department - did you know that the stars are 80 hundred, 42-60 thousand inches away ? :)

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