Friday, June 5, 2009

7 Quick Takes

1. Almost done with homeschool for the year! Our last day is next Friday, and all of us are ready for a 6 week summer break!

2. I broke my camera - on my birthday! (sob!) I dropped it at Walmart, and it refuses to come on. WeaverDad found the same camera on ebay for a bargain, so I just ordered another one. It works well for me and I have all the accessories. Hopefully, it will arrive soon!

We ran into some friends at Walmart that day, and Little Man took the last picture:

3. Our Vacation Bible School is going to be at night this year. I have mixed feelings about it. Has anyone done a night one? Like it? Hate it?

4. Punkin has 2 more gymnastics competitions this year. Yay!! She is still doing well and steadily improving. Here she is after one a few weeks ago:

5. Little Man had his last soccer game last Saturday. He scored 6 goals!!

And of course had snack:
And got a trophy:
6. It has been raining a lot here lately. On trash day, I went out to add one more thing to the bin, and found that the trash can was stopping all the worms in the water run-off. Look at all of them! I scooped them out and put them with the flowers and in the garden.

7. It's been several weeks, but Punkin had Field Day with her enrichment program. Field Day is so much fun - it's nice to actually have conversations with the other moms and to learn the names of her classmates.

Punkin ran a relay:
Ran a three-legged race:
Did the sack hop:
Played tug-of-war
While Little Man did this. For the entire morning.
Thank goodness I thought to bring his bike at the last minute. I think that was a God thing!
We had a fun day!


Hannah said...

Hi! Found your blog through quick takes. :)

My home town church did an evening VBS and found that they had a lot more parent volunteers. The tricky thing is having it late enough so that families can have dinner and early enough that the little ones can get to bed on time.



Amy Jane (Untangling Tales) said...

I'm with you on the ugh of evening activities. It seems to revamp all your schedules for a week and then you've got to decide whether to return to the old ways...

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Sorry about the camera. Glad that you're able to get a new one. They kiddos look like they're having so much fun!!

We've had both evening and day vbs. There is good and bad for both. The major negative for the evening is that it ends up being late in the evening. At ours, we served dinner to the kids and workers.

This Heavenly Life said...

Our church has evening VBS, and I have mixed feelings. I'm a fan of early bedtimes, and this inevitably interferes. But on the other hand more parents can be there not only for helping but for watching. Hanging out enjoying the kids' antics. I like the daytime better, though, just for a summertime activity to fill some days. Summer evenings are usually the first things to be filled with parties and barbecues, so why fill them with one more obligation?

OMGoodness, the worms! Where do they come from anyway? I've always wondered...

Just Mom said...

OK, that photo of the worms made me shudder. *shudder*. See, I'm doing it again just thinking of the photo.

I don't know how you managed to stay calm and snap a photo. A couple of worms surprised me one day last month when I was pulling weeds from the flower bed, and I haven't pulled weeds since. I'm working up the courage. :-)


chrissy said...

I agree with the previous comment... how can you even hold those slimy things so close! Yuck!
and Yes I realize that I am the mom of a boy who will someday want to fill up a bowl or bathtub with slimy little creatures.... let's just hope that Daddy is home to deal with that.