Saturday, April 14, 2007

Real Mum

Momma Roar asked me to participate in a "Real Mum" m... (I'll refrain from using the word just for Heidi Jo).

I know, I know - it's been several days. But all that "real mothering" got in the way.

Plus, I've been really struggling with whether I'm supposed to answer with what I think real moms ought to do and be, or what this real mum actually is and does. 'Cause there is value to both I think - it's nice to have a great goal in mind and when it comes to parenting your aim should be high! But, it makes you feel so not alone when others share the way it actually is.

So, I've decided to write about some of those, mostly sweet moments, when I'm intensely aware that I'm a grown woman in charge of growing little people up to be children of God. 'Cause mostly I feel like my 5 yr old playing dress-up.

A Real Mum:
  • Loves her kids so much sometimes that it makes her heart ache and tears come to her eyes.
  • Does what has to be done even when she doesn't feel like it
  • Loves seeing her kids in church praising God and loving it
  • Can be elated at the moments of independence her child achieves, and completely heart-broken at the same time
  • Feels only compassion when her child just threw up all over her - well, until she goes to change clothes anyway
  • Finally understands why her mom could not go to sleep until she was home safely
  • Really, really wants to lay on the couch all day or sleep past 6:30 a.m. - but just can't do it.
  • Sometimes wonders why am I doing all this?? But, when a SnugBug curls up on her chest and says "I want you Momma" remembers why.
  • Hears a child cough in the night and knows which one it is. And wonders how many minutes until she has a "visitor".
  • Prays to God daily for strength and patience to not become, well - ugly.
  • Loves when one of them "gets it" - whether it's not crying over every little thing, learning to read or finally going pee-pee on the potty!
I'm sure there are more since a mom's job is ever-changing! I'd like to not yell, but I do. I'd like to not use the TV as a babysitter, but I do. I'd like to not dread hearing "Moommmmy" one more time, but I do. I'd like to not feel constantly overwhelmed, but I do. And I'm guessing those are things that all "real mums" do. At least, I hope so!


Susan said...

Enjoyed reading this Weaver and the fact you strive for the best. I loved

"Can be elated at the moments of independence her child achieves, and completely heart-broken at the same time"

Momma Roar said...

This was wonderful!

"'Cause mostly I feel like my 5 yr old playing dress-up." lol

I've enjoyed reading all these and I think it is neat to see everyone's personalities and whole heart come out in them. Thanks for sharing it!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

i love it! isn't being a mom awesome?

as for the four letter word starting with "M", thanks so much. you are a classy gal!

thanks for the comment on the playdate thing, it's a word i dislike very much as well. maybe if it had a different name i wouldn't detest it so much. i'm funny like that i guess...

Just Mom said...

Nicely said.

Heather K said...

this is really nice--thanks for giving us another glimpse into who you are!
I did mine too after about a week of struggling over what to write! come see (o: