Well, look what I found in my messages that was not published for some reason. Hm... I'm not one who saves drafts, so I'm not sure what happened.... but, well, here it is:
I was just tagged by Penless for this meme - So here goes another one!!!
INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.
Still See A Spark In You
walking through doorsSusie’s SpacePenless WriterLearning to WeaveNext select five people to tag:
Leigh AnnHeather in CanadaJeanine at RootsdcrmomDevildogwifeAnyone else who wants to play is, of course, welcome!! (and no obligation if you don't feel like doing this either!)
Now ~ the questions:
"What were you doing 10 years ago?" Enjoying our first house - double income, no kids. We spent the entire summer pulling ivy off trees, trees and more trees in the back yard.
"What were you doing 1 year ago?" Same as this year I think. Taking care of the kids, taking care of the business, planning homeschooling, enjoying the pool.
Five snacks you enjoy: Fruit, cookies, ice cream, Andes chocolates, 1/2 peanut butter sandwiches
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics: Oh, this is a hard one for me. How about the songs I sing to my kids at bedtime: Create in me a clean heart, Seek ye first, Amazing Grace, O Lord you're beautiful, and a lullaby that I learned a long time ago. We call it the Moon Song. (At one time, I knew all the words to "Just a'Swinging", "Sweet Child of Mine", and "I've Got Friends in Low Places", but it's been so long since I've heard these songs - much less sung them - I have no idea if I still know them or not! :)
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire: Hire a financial planner, do what they say, travel, support causes I believe in, hire a cleaning company for as many days as it would take for me to not have to clean :),
Five bad habits: not getting up when my alarm goes off, eating really late at night, not listening, letting things slide with the kids that I shouldn't, not speaking up when something is bugging me.
Five things you like doing: (I'm going to assume this means things just for me not related to the family. :) ) : traveling, blogging, reading fiction just for fun, sewing, girl time
Five things you would never wear again: I'm way to young to say "never" - but here's my "highly unlikely" list: leg warmers, parachute pants, really big earrings, bulky sweaters, blue eyeshadow
Five Favorite toys: My mini-van, my computer, my hand held organizer, my sewing machine. And I don't have one of these (of course) but I love SkeeBall!
(I obviously did this before my I got my new MP3 player, so I have to add that!)